It used to be a web comic. Then it was a redirect to a YouTube channel.
Gaslands is a game by Mike Hutchinson. The above artwork is by Eddie Mendoza but then I ruined it to help my logo pop.

Victory Monuments

After the Martian army defeated Earth, they disarmed the populace of most advanced weaponry and spacecraft in order to prevent future uprisings. The cost of transporting these munitions off-world was deemed too expensive by Martian financial officers, so they were instead melted down and poured into cheap molds. Known as "Victory Memorials," these monuments to the year Mars both invaded and conquered Earth are scattered across the globe. Some are placed strategically on sites of particularly brutal battles or atop mass graves while others were literally dropped at random from airships once they were cooled enough to be removed from their molds. When scouting Gaslands locations, the showrunners prefer to build tracks and arenas near these monuments if possible, despite the rarity of these being free of vandalism. Some say it is a subtle nod to the Resistance, but most feel that it is another way the Martian government reminds the people of Earth that petty vandalism is the best fight they can muster.

The most common sort of vandalism usually includes the phrase "MARS IS A LIE." The phrase means different things depending on the source. For the Gaslands community, this phrase is meant to express the distrust in the Showrunners that any winning competitor is actually granted passage to Mars. Nobody ever returns from Mars and the claim is that could be because they are living there in luxury and don't want to return (which is reasonable). However, many think it is far more likely the winners are killed off-camera as they can't imagine the Martian elite sharing their planet with "Earth trash." To the most extreme conspiracy theorists, this phrase reflects their belief that nobody lives on Mars at all. They are known as "Mars Deniers" and they think that the devastation of Earth was caused by things like climate change and corporate greed. They claim that the Martian Invasion of 1999 was a fabrication and that the world's most wealthy and powerful have actually fled to an orbital platform with whatever resources Earth had left in the wake of environmental and societal collapse. They accuse this ruling class of hiding behind the fairy tale of an imaginary enemy to use as a scapegoat so that they can continue to exploit the planet safely from orbit, far from where their actions' consequences can reach them.

The monuments themselves depict a standard infantry unit of the Martian army. The foot soldiers of the Martian military are referred to as the "War Engine" and are part of one of the four Apocalypse Engines Mars deployed on or near Earth in the year 1999.