
Shameless Plug of the Week:
Machine of Death

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Episode #14: The End (Part 2 of 5)

I really like Judge Mathis. I used to watch his show every single day for almost two years after I graduated high school. I always felt like he was on the verge of just smacking the shit out of someone during every case he had. You could almost always tell who he was gonna side with in the end immediately after each side gave their opening statements because he would always shoot them the Sonny Chiba Death Stare. Like Mathis was just aghast that this person would dare waste the energy Mathis's brain needed to use in order to process seeing that person. "Fuck this bitch," he said with his eyes, "She's payin' this other bitch $50.00 for her carpet cleaning."

Ah. Small claims court. It's completely ridiculous that you exist.

I guess I'm saving the "big news post" update for Thursday since I've taken absolutely no steps towards setting any of the related material up today. I was off, but I spent most of the day drawing Thursday's strip, blowing my money on lotto tickets, and watching Phineas & Ferb. Which I'm out of episodes, for those of you who read this but somehow don't read my Facebook. So now I guess I'll finish Sliders.

OH! I just remembered for no reason! Two new links on the links page for anyone who is interested in checking out things that I like so far. Sock Puppet Army and Manly Guys Doing Manly Things. I think the first link will be a bigger hit with my friends in the service industry. The second with my friends in the action movie and FPS industry. Okay, so that's all for today. Chris Trent is out. PEACE.
