
Shameless Plug of the Week:
Quarter Life Crisis

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Episode #27: Chris Trent Is Dead

I don't really have anything to say about this one except that my two-week buffer on comics is officially used up. For no reason. I haven't been "busy" or "sick" or "too drunk" or anything. I just didn't draw anything the last two weeks. Some of it was spent watching Breaking Bad on Netflix. Some of it was spent renting and being disappointed in Deus Ex and X-Men: Destiny. Some of it was spent... being too drunk...

Anyway. I spent quite a bit of time making sure my "how I shot myself and cloned the time machine without causing a paradox" worked. I feel like it's "bullet-proof." I hope at least some part of that was interesting to someone. Next week starts the "middle of the story," which ironically (kind of?) was written most recently. I actually wrote the end of this arc first as a three-part "thing." Then I did the "how I obtained a time machine" part and shit kinda went crazy from there. In fact, from the time I wrote this paragraph to the time next week's comic posts, I may have a completely different "plan" spring up from nowhere and completely change this "story" arc!

I just want to thank those of you who are "reading" this for your patience. I know the once-a-week update schedule is "slow" and that maybe I shouldn't be "doing continuity" in that case, but apparently, I had more to "say" about time travel than one or two strips could "hold."

And hopefully this is the last time we'll be seeing that OCP shirt. Which is good because I feel like I've been using entirely too much blue in the strips lately. From now on, I "promise" to pay attention to how many strips any character will be wearing the same shirt for and make sure to pick a more interesting one accordingly.

And on a personal note, Netflix needs to quit arbitrarily removing movies and shows from it's streaming service. There is no fucking WAY a body can watch 257 episodes of Law & Order: Special Victims Unit by October 1st. Even if that body did start watching them three months ago. It's 257 fucking episodes! That is roughly 257 HOURS of watching TV. Bad form, Netflix. Movies are whatever. If I didn't watch a movie I queued up three months ago by now, I probably wasn't gonna watch it, anyway. And even if I wanted to, that's 120 minutes of my time. No big deal. I can crank that out in four days. I will NOT, however, be able to watch 125 more episodes of King of the Hill by then. Not with the five movies and 257 episodes of SVU. The moral of the story is: Fuck Netflix okay I didn't mean that but Jesus Christ why are you so stupid sometimes baby why do you make me hit you and please leave Ghost Hound alone until I watch enough of it to understand what the hell is going on.
