
Shameless Plug of the Week:
Super Mario Bros. 2

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Episode #57: Nothin' Left To Do Now But Flee The Crime Scene

And there you have it! The final episode of the Juggalo Infestation. Thanks for toughing it out! Lemme tell ya, it was pretty rough there for a minute. Also, absolutely none of this is what I originally wrote when I started the storyline over a year ago. I know I am kind of flakey with the updating on occassion, but I promise that from now on, I will not crap out in the middle of continuity. Which since I'm done with this story means there may or may not be a comic next week! Exciting! (I'm just kidding. I have to keep drawing or Jon will stop buying me pretty things. Everyone that's into my shit should thank Jon, by the way. He single-handedly got my thick ass back behind a pencil.)

Tonight, I will have two burritos for dinner.

Mr. Stark's wardrobe provided by: THE U.S. FUCKIN' MARINES!
Mr. Future Trent's wardrobe provided by: Spreadshirt and Japan!
