
Shameless Plug of the Week:
Super Mario Bros. 2

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Episode #59: Meanwhile In The Future (And Also The 80s)

This is the first thing that popped into my head when I heard Alex's wife tell him to talk to his son in the trailer I saw. That and the fact that new Robocop's wife seems to have a direct hand in what he becomes leads me to believe that new Robocop just might get a happy ending. ALEX MURPHY DOES NOT GET A HAPPY ENDING. It's one of my favorite things about that franchise and what I feel is a very important part of what/who Robocop is. For more on my opinions of the Robocop remake, check this thing out. I made that just before drawing today's comic because I had every intention of passing that off as my update this week before I dove back into Los Santos until I passed out, but I felt that maybe it's too early in my return to start cranking out excuses and bullshit.

But we'll see how next week goes, just the same. The sooner I beat GTAV, the sooner I can get my head back into THIS game.
