
Shameless Plug of the Week:
Suicide Girls Hopeful: Reiver

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Episode #05: TFLN

My eyes are melting from looking at all these notepad screens I have open with all this grade-school-level HTML floating around in them. I'm not a programer or site designer and I don't care to become one. That being said: Welcome to How To Be Awkward! I'm gonna be updating this thing every Thursday that I can from now on (or as long as I can, anyway). There are a few older strips if you follow the nav buttons to them, but this week's episode is the first new comic posted on this site! (Excited!) And it's the very begining of a very brief story-arc that should run six or seven strips deep! (Super excited!)

Quick props to Russ for helping me graphically design the overall feel of the comic and also he did all of the HTBA logos you'll be seeing at the top of any page. Sorry I couldn't take all of your font advice, bro, but I doubt that anyone will download and install a font just to view my page right.

This little area here is where I'm going to be putting my blog-type crap and newsposts. There will be vast quantities of spelling errors, most of which I will not notice. I'll just be happy to keep them out of the comics if I can. Also! I have my "Shameless Plug" area up there above the links to my links. This week (and probably for a lot of the following weeks), it belongs to my friend Reiver's Suicide Girls page, where she is in the process of trying to get approved as a Suicide Girl. So what this means, is that I need anyone that has an account (or just wanted an excuse to finally get one) to go over there and vote for her sets! They judge based on quantity and quality (somehow) of the comments left to her, so feel free to tell her she's bad-ass and looks absolutely amazing (which she is and does, respectively).

I worked a few familiar faces into the zombie crowd down there and I'm also kicking this bitch off with special appearances by Jon and Travis, my collaborators on "Lunchtime," another comic we're working on that I hope will springboard off the back of this and get it's own site and whatnot.

Okay, that's a wrap for tonight. I still have a lot of work to do and I didn't go to sleep last night. Or Saturday night. I'm writing this on a Sunday. We'll work on that.