
Shameless Plug of the Week:
Suicide Girls Hopeful: Reiver

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Episode #06: Trial of the Century

Okay. Welcome to the second scheduled update of Awkward. Just wanna go over a few things.
For starters, I just want to say that if at any point in my day, I start watching Reno 911!, then I will only stop if I absolutely have to. The criteria for "absolutely have to" usually only matches two situations.
1) I need a cigarette.
2) Holy shit, I am late for work.
I am actually on a "cigarette break" now.

Next order of business: There will be a new comic on Monday. This zombie thing is gonna take a while and I just did the math... I don't want to still be doing the zombie thing in four months. I think it's funny, but I have other things I want to draw and make fun of. So keep an eye on this part of the page, and I will let you all know when I'm doing double-updates.

Thirdly, I think I have fixed all of the 404 errors I've been hearing so much about. That was my bad, y'all. If you haven't figured it out, yet, my site is done up in very, very basic HTML. Like the code I know is the same thing that those fake laptops you can buy at the gas station teaches first-graders. This is for two reasons.
1) This may come as some sort of shock to most of you, but I use the internet. A lot. And not just to debate the authenticity of Blake Lively's nude photos. I also read comics on this thing. That said, I've seen a lot of pages done up with Flash and shit and sometimes they take forever to load or don't load at all or there's some catastrophic error. Anyway. You don't get that with HTML. Sure, my page looks like it is hosted by Angelfire, but it will always load.
2) I was in high school about ten years ago, which is where I learned all of my HTML. Ten years ago, HTML was damn near the only option you had for making a website. And ten years ago, I had NO intention of having a website. So I did what I always do when presented with information that I didn't think I'd need again. I ignored it. This page is built entirely out of what I retained from ten years ago.

Now the reason there were so many 404 errors was because I was trying to cut corners. I typed up the code for pretty much everything you see here (and about 174 things that you don't) one character at a time. I left links up for pages that I did not create yet because I knew that in a week or so, those pages would exist. Apparently, this is not something that is to be tollerated. So those are gone and shouldn't be run across again. But if you do, feel free to let me know and I'll fix it.
