
Shameless Plug of the Week:
Machine of Death

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Episode #10: Suicide Book

There are a lot of similarities between Facebook and Suicide Girls. Really, the only difference is that you can upload nude photos of yourself and sometimes people get paid for it. At any rate, fellas, I think you should feel kind of guilty for what you're doing with your accounts. And for anyone who was curious, this is not part of the Trial of Chris Trent storyline I've been running. I just wanted to take a break from it for a minute because I feel like I've been working on it forever. Story will resume on the next update. Oh! And everyone welcome Russ back to my comics.

So! Who likes that shirt I'm wearing? Want one? Go fucking buy one. And while you're at it, please check out Machine of Death! I stumbled upon this while shirt-shopping for the comic. This is one of the most bad-ass things I have ever seen happen. The basic premise is that there is a machine that was invented that can tell you how you will die by taking a blood sample. It'll process it and then spit out a piece of paper that says something like "BURIED ALIVE" or "CANCER" or "DROWNED" on it. Doesn't tell you when or where you're supposed to die. Just how you're supposed to die.

"The realization that we could now know how we were going to die had changed the world: people became at once less fearful and more afraid. There’s no reason not to go skydiving if you know your sliver of paper says BURIED ALIVE. The realization that these predictions seemed to revel in turnabout and surprise put a damper on things. It made the predictions more sinister –yes, if you were going to be buried alive you weren’t going to be electrocuted in the bathtub, but what if in skydiving you landed in a gravel pit? What if you were buried alive not in dirt but in something else? And would being caught in a collapsing building count as being buried alive? For every possibility the machine closed, it seemed to open several more, with varying degrees of plausibility."

That was copied from the website because it explains things better than I do. It is a collection of some of the most wildly entertaining short stories I have ever read. Anyway. If this seems like the sort of thing you'd like to kill time at work with, go check it out. Like I said, you can read the whole thing for free on the website. And now I'm gonna close out my longest blog to date by pointing out that I didn't write more than half of it.
