
Shameless Plug of the Week:
Endling's DeviantART Page

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Episode #18: Food Poisoning

Welcome to my home! Today's wardrobe was provided by Snorg Tees and the Go-Go's. Fun fact: Russ actually owns that shirt. He wore it yesterday or something. I do not own the shirt I am wearing in this strip.

I do think that The Sandlot is the greatest movie ever made. I'm not saying it's my favorite movie. I'm not saying that it is everyone else's favorite movie. What I am saying, is that this movie is concidered a good movie by more people than any other movie ever. Follow my math on this. A lot of people say that Star Wars or Citizen Kane are the best movie. But there are just as many people that hate those movies. I have heard of absolutely no one that hates The Sandlot. Now I'll grant you that there aren't going to be Sandlot-Cons and cosplay events where you dress as your favorite Sandlot characters. It isn't going to win a bunch of artsy-ass awards for being a masterful piece of cinema. But if everyone in the world agrees that a movie is good, even if no one agrees that it's the best movie ever, then I'd say that steady "good" vote beats all the "great" votes that the dedicated fans of any other films could possibly cast.

I am drunk right now. And I guess what I'm saying, is that The Sandlot is the lowest common denominator where good movies are concerned.

I feel like I was going to talk about something else...

Oh! Yeah. Shameless Plug update! It's a DeviantART page for a dude named Endling. I think he's a great artist and writer and you should all go check it out. His character design is amazing and the storyline concepts he comes up with are completely bad ass. I wish I could get him to draw Average for me, but he's one of those "does it for a living" types.

LIKE I SAID! I'm drunk! I've been drinking since like five and that's pretty much because I could do it today. FOR NO REASON. Anyway, here's a link that I laughed at a bunch today. It helps if you've listened to more Cure than you should.

Pocket like it's hot.
