
Shameless Plug of the Week:
Endling's DeviantART Page

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Episode #19: World of Pokemon

Dear Video Games,
Why is this not a thing that exists? Do you not like money anymore?
Chris Trent

Sorry, ladies. I'm a huge nerd and this got stuck in my head and I thought it was funny. I dunno. Maybe this one isn't funny unless you've played both Pokemon and World of Warcraft. But Blair, Frank, and Jonny Two-Buckets oughta get a kick out of it at least. And that's pretty awesome.

While writing this one, my daydreaming kinda got the better of me, and I wound up fleshing out the concept of a Pokemon MMORPG a lot more than was required to make this strip. That stuff didn't make it in because it wasn't funny, just stuff that I thought was clever or interesting. (Plus this was already a SUPER long strip.) I won't go into it here, lest Nintendo steals another one of my ideas (I totally invented Super Smash Bros.), but it was a lot of fun to get lost inside my own head on that.
