
Shameless Plug of the Week:
Endling's DeviantART Page

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Episode #22: There Will Be Raptor Piss

Yeah, yeah, yeah. Without Nirvana, there would be no Foo Fighters. I'll get to that point later. I don't think anyone would argue that Queens of the Stone Age will be missed, though. *shrugs* Just a vibe that I get.

The OCP shirt can be bought at T-Shirt Bordello. And if you don't know where to get a Fat Wreck shirt, then you probably shouldn't be wearing one, anyway. Not to go all "elitist punk rocker" on you kids. Because I'm not an "elitist punk rocker." I'm not even really a regular "punk rocker." In fact, my repeated using of the phrase "punk rocker" AND that I put it in quotation marks should be proof enough of that. There was a point in high school where I kinda shared a lot of interests with the punk rock community. I mean, I owned a skateboard and I had a bunch of NoFX albums burned on to some CDRs. I never really concidered myself part of that crowd, though. Or any crowd, for that matter. I wasn't nerdy enough to be a nerd, I wasn't cool enough to be a "punk rocker," and I wasn't athletic enough to be a jock. But people seemed to like me okay. I never got a swirlie or a wedgie or anything stupid like that.

Okay. I'm gonna level with you guys, I have totally zoned out and I don't know what I'm typing right now. All I know is that I'm gonna go sell some blood tomorrow so I can buy some new art supplies and maybe whip together a small display for the "Rock Your Art Out" thing over at Churchill's (in McKinney). Still don't know if I'm going for real, but anyone that would be interested knows where to look for updates on that sort of thing.

And if I really am the only person in the world that remembers the show "Time Squad" from Cartoon Network, you guys better go get schooled on it over the next couple weeks. I may have some shit coming up that you won't find as funny without a basic understanding of that show. I mention it now, because if I mention it with that comic, then it's like I have to explain the strip after the fact, and then it won't be funny. Or as funny. Hell, I dunno. But even though I've done a quick poll amongst my friends, and it shows that not a lot of people know that show, I'm doing a strip on it, anyway. When you get your own webcomic, you can stick to nothing but South Park and Simpsons references that everyone understands. As for me? I'm gonna let this comic go whereever the moment takes it, and sometimes, I will be the only one that understands what it's doing. I kinda like that.
