
Shameless Plug of the Week:
Quarter Life Crisis

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Episode #30: Smoke Break

I am of course referring to the theme song from the fourth season of the Cosby Show. There's a link there if any of you need a refresher or are like me before I set out to identify that tune and thought the entire run of the Cosby Show only had one version of it's theme song.

Private moment sharing time! This is a true thing that has been going on inside my head for the last month or so. (Go ahead. Imagine a dude jacking off with that song playing. You know you want to.) And it would be the most ridiculous version of that show's theme song that lodged itself into the same part of my head that is most active during solo sexy times. And it is much worse now because having looked up the correct version of the theme song has now resulted in Bill Cosby's grinning face arbitrarily jumping into my head around the finish line. The first time it happened, I laughed so hard I almost missed the Kleenex. Now I live in fear. This is almost a better deterent than when my mother told a very young me that all my dead relatives can see me when I masturbate.

This is obviously a departure from the time travel thing I've been running. The next comic in the story may run particularly long and I did not want to rush it to meet a deadline that only I care about. Also, I thought this Cosby thing was funny and didn't want to sit on it until I thought otherwise. Then I remembered that I broke stride in the zombie trial to post a smoke break strip. At first, I did not want this to be a "thing" I do when I get bored with a storyline. But now I feel like running a smoke break or two during an arc may not be an entirely bad idea. In fact, I like it. I like it a lot.

The shirt that I am sporting comes from Jinx. I'm a healer. I ain't ashamed.

The one Russ is wearing is probably actually a sticker or something. I don't know. Snorg used to house a version that he liked and wanted to be featured in, but they no longer carry it. So I just typed "Wish You Were Beer" into a search engine and used the clearest image that came up.
