
Shameless Plug of the Week:
Quarter Life Crisis

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Episode #29: Baby Names & Justifiable Murder

And here it is! The other half of last week's comic! It is odd that I have not played Dead Island all week, and yet I still found myself dragging my feet getting this drawn. Netflix certainly doesn't help. I'd forgotten how much TV I will watch when I have access to stuff like that. I'm honestly finding it difficult to remember how I filled my days before my free trial. That could be because I filled the time by being drunk, though. I simply do not know.

People. Stop naming your boys with "cutesy" names. You're gonna make a bunch of weird-ass, unsuccessful men some day. Seriously. Before you pick "Jamesy" as your child's legal name, I want you to picture yourself in a voting booth and looking at that name on the ballot. Nothing of any world-wide importance will be achieved by a man nammed "Skylus" or "Aiden." Those are names of people that will work at The Gap forever or wind up in a sexual predators database due to some "misunderstanding but not really." And I realize that no parent wants their son to grow up to be a serial killer, but can you imagine someone named "Hayden" doing that? Trust me, we will live to see it if you keep giving your sons these candy-ass "momma's boy" names. Keep our future cool, people.

While looking up all these baby names today, I may have forgotten the names of all of my friends' kids. So if any of you had a problem with me calling your kid "Little Dude," get the funk over it. I will be doing it a lot from now on.

Fuck. Right. Shirts. On me. On Jayden. And both of those shirts are "Get 'Em Before They're Gone" status. I'm poor, so you guys have to support Topatoco for me.

(Fun fact: A lady from GoDaddy called me today and said she thought my domain name was cool.)
