
Shameless Plug of the Week:
Quarter Life Crisis

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Episode #37: It's Almost Over!

Okay, so I'm sorry I missed the update last week. I was busy. Blah blah blah. This week's comic is actually a double-update. By that I mean, I combined last week's comic and this week's comic IN TO this week's comic. Get it? So I'm not behind schedule, I just didn't get as long-winded and depressing about the whole Claire thing as I originally wrote. Which was probably okay, anyway, because that was some heart-breaking shit.

There is ONE MORE time travel comic. It's the epilogue. Some of you may recall that I promised a time-travel storyline with no paradoxes. Some of you may recall that I have successfully talked Kurt Cobain out of killing himself in order to prevent Nirvana's continued (and undeserved) fame. So why is he still dead!? Find out next week! (Probably. If I'm not like... busy or anything.)

Also: Kinda found another neat site for t-shirts, which is where my shirt this week came from. Also, I'm thinking about knocking all this t-shirt shit off and designing me up a shirt for my cartoon doppleganger to wear on a regular basis. That could happen at almost any second now. Well. Not right now. I've been thinking about what to do with it for like two or three days and I'm coming up empty. But I have figured out what will be on Stark's shirt when he finally shows up in the strip. So that's good. If you're the one person reading this that doesn't talk to me on a daily basis, Stark is an old friend and a new roommate. Russ is gonna take that D.B. Cooper money and open another Waffle House in Chicago. He loves that shit.
