
Shameless Plug of the Week:
I Hope SOPA Passes (It Didn't)

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Episode #40: SOPAPIPA (Get It?)

Because it's like "sopapilla?" Anyone? Really? Okay, fine. And for serious, I'm not trying to make light of a terrible subject, but humor is all I have for defense mechanisms, really. I missed the whole "internet is on strike" thing today (yesterday), but fortunately, I think the four people I reached on Facebook was four more people than I'd have reached through this site. So whatever. Unlike a lot of my more popular webcomic bretheren (who totally did it up right and made a huge impact, second only to all the pornography sites that blacked out), I figured I should write a comic about what was bothering me rather than just ignoring my update. Don't get me wrong. The temptation to draw up a completely black comic and post it up as an "update" was VERY tempting... But I essentially have been pulling that shit for the last month. So instead, here's a comic ABOUT the bull shit that is buzzing around our governing body. Apparently, that shit is going up for voting on the 24th. I've already signed a petition and seriously wrote a fucking congressman about this (albeit slightly less drunk than when I typed this up), so even though I'm techincally a day late on this thing, it's not too late for anyone else out there that may find this to make themselves heard.

Days like this make me wish I was a voter. Anyway. Update!

Oh! Right! The fucking t-shirt. Here. It's a red phone that calls only "Pizza" and "Batman." How awesome is that!? Also: Everyone say hi to Ashlee! This comic is based off of half of a conversation we had today, so that means she gets to be up ins all of this. Rad!
