
Shameless Plug of the Week:
Quarter Life Crisis

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Episode #39: A Photo By Russ Shields

Sorry for the missing updates, everyone. Like totally for sure. It's just been CRAZY busy the last couple of months what with Stark coming back and having to find a new place to live and then actually MOVING plus all the bullshit at work with the Christmas and Valentines seasons and preparing our store for the Regional Fucking Manager. Then I got Dead Island, Arkham City, and Cathrine through the combination of my birthday, Christmas, and my best friends, so THAT fucking murdered my draw-time. I was gonna have a comic up this week, but after Stark and I got all of our shit moved into this place, I quickly realized that there were absolutely no usable flat surfaces on which to draw. Now there are, though (much too late), so I should have all this back on track by next week and I will no longer feel as though I am "wasting" my monthly site fees. At least not because of a lack of posting, anyway.

So before we left the old apartment, Russ took what I feel is a totally bad-ass picture of our shadows cast on the wall which he posted to Facebook and I subsequently stole and reposted here because I just wanted something to put up to let those of you following along that are NOT friends with me on Facebook (because I am an anti-social digital hermit) know that I have not abandoned this project. And I didn't want a text-only update. So that's done. And yeah, I'm counting this post as an Episode. Whatever, dude. My site.
