
Shameless Plug of the Week:
Super Mario Bros. 2

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Episode #52: C-c-c-Recap

I don't really WANT this comic to be ABOUT the time machine, but when you have access to one, it's kind of hard to ignore it entirely as was my original intention. It is a powerful device. Perhaps TOO powerful to be trusted in the hands of a hedonist.

As you can probably guess, this week's comic and last week's comic were originally written as one long conversation. I am trying very hard to limit myself to two pages per comic and sometimes that makes me have to split thoughts up over updates. You will be seeing that a lot as we wrap up the Juggalo Infestation over the coming weeks.

But not NEXT week, though. Next week we're taking a brief departure from our story to bring you a very special episode of How To Be Awkward. So stay tuned.

Mr. Trent's wardrobe provided by: In "Orange."
Mr. Stark's wardrobe provided by: This place that probably sells bootleg t-shirts for unpopular comic book characters via eBay.
Mr. Gigantalo's wardrobe provided by: If you just HAD to know.
