
Shameless Plug of the Week:
Super Mario Bros. 2

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Episode #53: A Wild Glory Hole Appears

I love how easy phones are to draw these days. Just a black square. I don't have to worry about number pads or screens or hinges or any of that shit. I hope phones stop advancing physically now and forever SOLELY because sometimes I have to draw them and they are SUPER easy to draw at this point in human history.

This week's strip features my little sister, Tracy, because it is her birthday tomorrow and she wanted to be in a comic finally after BEING my sister for the entire time I have been making comics in my life. So here she is. Finally. And it's for a glory hole joke. Happy birthday, Tracy!

Continuity-wise, this strip wasn't supposed to show up until after the Infestation wrapped and Chris and Stark found themselves homeless between this story and the one afterwards that I have yet to write, but am pretty sure will be called "House Haunting." Our regular story will resume next week with yet another surprise guest.

Mr. Trent's wardrobe is derivative. Here is the Pictures For Sad Children comic the shirt is from. And here is the version you can buy from Topatoco. Tracy's shirt is pink. Kinda salmon, I guess. I am not even a month back on the job and I am already pretty dicking tired of "shirt shopping." I may have to sit down and just design some dumb-shit shirt for my toons to wear. Which in turn, I could sell shirts OF. So... that may actually be a good idea. And if there's one thing I'm good at, it's never following through on good ideas. Bad ideas only.
