
Shameless Plug of the Week:
Super Mario Bros. 2

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Episode #54: So This Is STILL Happening

And now we resume our infestation story with a guest appearance by me. FROM THE FUTURE! That is all. Gonna keep it brief tonight because I want to watch a movie and eat a grilled cheese before bed. Which is at 10 PM these days because I'm finally taking on some aspects of an adult. I'm not really that happy about it, to be honest. Next thing you know, I'm going to start watching the news and eating vegetables and getting my car inspected and once in while I'll get black-out drunk and start a series of accounts on for the express purpose of yelling at women I'll never meet and then spend fifteen minutes crying and masturbating in the shower. That's stuff adults do, right?


Mr. Trent's wardrobe provided by: In "Orange."
Mr. Stark's wardrobe provided by: THE U.S. FUCKIN' MARINES!
Mr. Future Trent's wardrobe provided by: Spreadshirt and Japan loving English characters exactly as much as Americans loving Japanase characters. Except the Japanese aren't getting OUR poorly translated words forever etched into the smalls of their backs. That's right, ladies. You have NO MORE of a clue what your tramp stamps say than these Japanese know what their shirts say.
