
Shameless Plug of the Week:
Super Mario Bros. 2

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Episode #65: Going Green

I was gonna type out this long-ass thing about how "going green" should be optional for everybody instead of forced onto us by penny-pinching corporations trying to posture for the crunchier demographics, but it's getting late and really... that sentence pretty much nailed the entire sentiment I had towards the green movement. There was a bit in there about how those blow-dryers they put in public restrooms suck at drying hands, but that's hardly breaking new ground. However, when I do use a public restroom and they do not offer a paper towel option, I WILL use an entire roll of toilet paper to dry my hands. Out of pure spite. I'll also spend ten minutes pulling napkins out of those weird-ass dispensers that make it impossible to grab a handful of napkins because fuck them. Russ has seen me do this. He often whines about it.

Yeah, man. I KNOW I'm not going to use all of these napkins. I just want it to cost someone for putting yet another minor and unnecessary roadblock in my daily life.

Oh. Towards the end of the rant, I was going to go off on those canvas shopping bags you people like to use. Wash them. Please. I don't know how or why, but those things always smell fucking terrible.
