
Shameless Plug of the Week:
Suicide Girls Hopeful: Reiver

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Episode #07: I'm Shrugging Right Now

I think I may be testifying against myself in this trial. I really don't know how courts work. Like at all. In my head, it's just a bunch of dudes in suits yelling at eachother and sometimes a guy goes to jail or gets shot on the courthouse steps. And sometimes... Judge Mathis is there. With his all-seeing glare of justice.

Oh. And a quick note about today's comic. I drank about two bottles of wine before and during the time I was inking this. So that is why everyone's heads are kinda shitty. I did not want to re-draw the entire comic over again just because I am grossly irresponsible and I thought this situation was kinda funny, anyway. I promise that I will never drink and draw again. Wait... No. I don't promise that. I was kind of drunk when I inked the next episode, too. But don't worry. You totally can't tell.

So I had a Suicide Girls account. I went up there and I voted for Reiver like I was supposed to. I poked around the forums and browsed the photos and all the normal shit one would do on a website that is essentially the best of the two worlds of "social networking" and "soft-core niche porn." Then I got this site and figured I should cancel SG since I'm one of the brokest white boys in North America and for some reason when faced with the choice between "nude goth and scene girls" and "drawing cartoons for the internet," I chose to put my money towards cartoons for the internet.

I may never truly understand me.

The moral of the story is that I was going to sit here and complain about how much I miss my SG account. I cancelled it before the billing cycle renewed on the 22nd. I assumed that like with anything else I've ever done online, that my account would lock itself down the very instant they didn't get their money. I was wrong. Maybe it's because I never signed out of the account. Maybe I fell through a beautiful crack in the system. Maybe my account was for three months instead of just the one I drunkenly recall signing up for. Maybe some sort of angel gifted me another month. The important thing is: I'm not going to investigate it for fear that if it IS supposed to be locked, someone might notice it and then fix the problem.
