
Shameless Plug of the Week:
Suicide Girls Hopeful: Reiver

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Episode #08: Seriously. It's Annoying.

I'm on va-ca-tion! I'm on va-ca-tion!

So what's happening here is that my ADD is kicking in and I'm kinda tired of drawing zombies and making zombie jokes. The bad news is there are still a few strips left for my little story arc here before I can start doing random one-shot strips like I wanna do. Let it never be said that I don't complain about finishing what I start and then seriously think about abandoning whatever that was before I force myself to see it through for once in my life. The good news is that the gags that I loved enough that I felt compelled to start this story arc are coming up! Yay! I think it's kinda funny that I'm so anxious to get through with this thing when I really have no idea what I'm gonna run after it. I am relying on my wit. And a mild case of food poisoning. That I may or may not have actually had.

Anyway, I'm gonna get back to being on vacation. If anyone wants to hang, you got my number. Otherwise, I'm going to be chipping away at my Instant Queue on Netflix and eatting this weird cheeseburger-macaroni-corn-caserole that I sorta invented and hope I never re-create. But tomorrow: Fried chicken. I'm not even gonna look up a recipe. I'm just going to assume I know how to do it and then do it.
