
Shameless Plug of the Week:
Endling's DeviantART Page

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Episode #20: Real Life

Today's wardrobe brought to you by this guy's MC Frontalot fanart. I don't think you can buy any of his designs on a shirt, but that is what he made them for.

So this comic is based on a real conversation I had with my friend Kristen at a real party I went to at my other friend Kennett's place. Which I used a picture from for the background! Which I am in! So much realness.

I'm not really running out of ideas. I'm just running out of good ones. I've got some time travel stuff coming up and a brief exploration of my unnatural love of sour cream. I'm also toying with the idea of posting some demo pages for my other comics: Average, Three Guys In Hell, and maybe even Lunchtime. Also, I might "digitally re-master" and color some of the better BSH strips from ten years ago. I don't really feel like I'm tied down to doing random semi-auto-biographical strips here. The sky is the limit as to what random bullshit I can spring on you guys. Who knows? Maybe some of it will be funny.

In other news, if anyone's reading this that also missed the Russ & His Only Companions show last Sunday, you are a disappointment. If you went to that show, though, hurry up and get your pictures and videos up on Facebook. I was near-death drunk and I kinda want to remember more things that happened and also link to them from here. Which reminds me: Russ. Start your damn Band Camp page already.
